鑽石吧華人協會簡介 Diamond Bar Chinese-American Association (DBCAA)
位於洛縣東區的鑽石吧 , 是一個學區優良 , 地靈人傑的小城 ◦ 1990年鑒於日益增多的華裔居民之需求 , 有心的華人居民們組織了華人聯誼會 , 希望聯合華人居民們之間的互助合作 , 並肩負起服務社區 , 教育子女 , 薪火傳承的功能 ◦ 二十年來陸續成立了中文學校 , 家長會 ,中文學校校刊等附屬機構及一些相關組織 ◦ 鑽石吧華協是一個非營利事業 , 服務性質的組織 , 華協的管理組織是由13至29位理事組成的理事會來統籌管理 ◦ 華協每年都熱心參與社區內外的各種活動 , 成功地得到了主流社會的認同 ◦ 華協內的各個機構 , 融合了老 ,中 , 青三代的需求 , 發輝 “ 老吾老以及人之老 , 幼吾幼以及人之幼 “ 的精神 , 本著服務社區華人的宗旨 , 也同時期待同胞們的支持與參與 , 每一個人的投入都能使我們的團體更加發光發熱 ◦

Diamond Bar Chinese-American Association (DBCAA) Located in the east side of the Los Angeles County, the city of Diamond Bar is a small town with the best school district. DBCAA was formed in 1990 by a group of visionaries. With a growing Chinese-American population, they felt the need to build up an Association to strengthen their mutual relationship, to serve and be involved with community activities, to educate their children about the traditional language and values, and to take care of their elders. In the past twenty-one years, DBCAA has established a Chinese School, a Chinese Parent Association, and other service oriented organizations, for example, a senior club and a newspaper.

DBCAA was formed as a non-profit organization with a 501-C3 number. Its main mission is to provide services to members from the local and its neighboring communities. DBCAA was formed and managed by a board which is consisted of 13 to 29 board directors. Every year, DBCAA will participate in various types of local activities such as City Birthday, library and community foundation fundraising events, etc. Through these efforts, DBCAA has been recognized by the main stream American for its contribution to the community. At present, with many people’s efforts, DBCAA and its subsidiary organizations are growing steadily and they will continue to serve their members by applying Chinese’s traditional spirit “Expend the respect of the aged in one’s family to that of other families; expend the love of the young ones in one’s family to that of other families”. There are still a lot of work remains to be done and they hope to get each and every one of your supports and participations so they can make DBCAA a better organization.


鑽石吧中文學校是華協首先成立的單位 , 重視教育的華人們在國外生根發展之外 , 也最關心我門下一代的教育 ◦ 除了希望培養他們的中文有聽 ,說 , 讀 , 寫的能力外 , 也藉著課程與活動 , 讓孩子們體會及認同中華文化的傳統 , 做個不忘本的華裔美人 ◦ 鑽石吧中文學校因應家長需求而成立 , 延聘優良教師執教 , 租借鑽石吧高中作為授課地點 ◦ 中文學校開設有週六班 , 教授華語教材 ◦ 中文班之後另開設有課外活動課程 , 有心算,舞蹈,機器人,繪畫,音樂,書法,美勞 等供學生選擇 ◦ 每學年配合學區的行事曆 , 從八月下旬開學到次年五月結業 ◦ 除了鑽石吧居民之外 , 還有許多鄰近地區華人也將子女送來本校就讀 ◦ 教育是百年大計 , 栽培幼苗 , 為文化薪傳紮根 , 選擇師資優良 , 課程豐富的鑽石吧中文學校 , 為孩子們的中文教育奠定基石 ◦

Diamond Bar Chinese-American School (DBCS)DBCS was the first organization established by DBCAA because the education of the next generation is an important task in Chinese tradition especially for those who live abroad. With strong support from the Chinese-American community, DBCAA started to recruit the best teachers not only in academics but also in other Chinese traditional skills such as Calligraphy and Chinese painting. In 1991, DBCS was formally established with the following objectives:

1. Teach students how to write, read, and speak Chinese from Vol. 1-12,

2. Teach traditional Chinese values and customs,

3. Teach traditional skills such as Calligraphy and Chinese painting.

To accommodate all parents’ requests, DBCS has established the following three classes:

1. Saturday morning Chinese School (at the DB High School): 3 hours of regular Chinese classes and 1 hour of extra- curriculum class. School starts from September and ends in June.

2. Monday to Friday After School (at DBCAA): Teach both English/Math and Chinese.

3. Summer Chinese School (at DBCAA): Include regular Chinese classes and special summer camp and ESL activities. School starts from June through August

For the past twenty years, thousands of students from the DB and its neighboring cities have been educated by DBCS. DBCS sincerely hopes that their efforts to educate the next generation about Chinese and Chinese culture will make them aware of who they are and willing to continue to support Chinese education for the future generations to come.


家長會是華協組織內最龐大的義工團體 , 由深具愛心的爸爸媽媽們 ,貢獻時間和精力來完成任務 ◦ 其最重要的活動 , 就是在中文學校上課時間 , 督導及糾察校園環境之安全 , 協助妹個教室內的老師及義工媽媽們 , 把學校活動及訊息傳達給家長們 , 作為學校與家長之間的橋樑 ◦ 並提供家長們有益而豐富的座談會 , 及家長們可參加的才藝班 , 聯合學校及家長們的力量 , 協助華協參與社區的各項活動 , 如冬衣送暖 , 愛心罐頭 ,書香共享等 ◦ 並於每年的農曆新年時 , 在學校舉辦大型的農曆新年園遊會 , 邀請社區主流人士及各個團體來共襄盛舉 , 分享中國節慶的熱鬧氣氛 , 展示孩子們在民俗 , 藝術即課堂上的種種表現 ◦ 各式各樣的小吃 , 美食攤位 , 都是家長會的義工們鼎力合作的 ,除此之外 , 還舉辦了中文學校運動會 ◦ 並於華協每年六月年會時 , 從賣票到抽獎 , 無一不是為了華協募款而盡心盡力 ◦ 參加家長會 , 可以提升家長們對學校及社區的參與感 , 可以豐富家長們生活上的視野 ◦ 家長會永遠熱切歡迎新力軍的加入 ◦ 也會對需要幫助的家長們伸出援手 , 給予諮詢 ◦

Diamond Bar Chinese-American Parent Association (DBCPA)DBCPA was formed in 1992. DBCPA is the largest volunteer group for DBCAA supported by parents of DBCS with the following missions:

1. Take good care of DBCS children and make sure they have a safe and fun place to learn Chinese and other useful skills.

2. Promote the traditional Chinese heritage to local community and promote the importance of diversity within the DB city.

3. Provide opportunities for DBCPA parents to learn interesting skills.

4. Provide opportunities for DBCPA parents to get involved in supporting both DBCS and DB citys’ community work.

5. Build a communication bridge between parents/students and teachers.

1. Seminars for parents. DBCPA forms a number of interesting seminars covering a variety of areas including cooking, education, and safe communities, etc.

2. DBCPA School parents meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to invite parents to join DBCPA and show them how to get involved in its planned activities. Room mother/father of each class will be selected as well.

3. Moon Festival – a fun cultural event designed for family to get-together and enjoys the famous Moon cake.

4. Parent learning program – working with DBCS, DBCPA develops several classes to enrich parents’ life such as Calligraphy or Chinese Painting.

5. Lunar New Year – This is the biggest event for DBCPA to raise fund for DBCAA and DBCS. Through the dragon dance performance to traditional Chinese cooking, this event offers the DB community an opportunity to celebrate the Chinese New Year and to learn about Chinese culture.

6. Sport event – DBCPA co-hosted this event with DBCS. The purpose of this event is to emphasize the importance of sport and fitness for the next generation, while using this opportunity to have fun with their children.

7. Picnic – DBCPA co-hosted this event with other DBCAA organizations to help promote friendship between teachers and parents.

8. DBCAA Convention – This is the most important fundraising event for DBCS. DBCPA provides necessary man power support to help DBCA.

9. Award event for students, parents, and teachers. This event is used to say thank you to the dedicated teachers and volunteer parents. Most importantly, it gives the awards to those students who have achieved the highest standards in their classes.

10. Community involvement – DBCPA contributes the man power to serve the community, for example, support the library or people in needs.

By joining the DBCPA, members will not only be able to serve both school and community but also be able to enrich their lives with different point of views. DBCPA always welcomes new parents to join and participate in these valuable events. At the same time, DBCPA is willing to help out those parents who are in needs of help or consultation.


電腦組 --- 中文電腦教學

基金會 --- 籌募永久會址基金 公關組



Other DBCAA Subsidiary GroupsDBCAA strongly encourages its board of directors to form subsidiary groups that provide services to the DB Chinese-American community. In the following, several subsidiary organizations are listed.

1. Foundation Group: The goal of this group is to solicit donations through fundraising events to support DBCAA foundation that will eventually be used to purchase a future DBCAA permanent home. Most of the Foundation Group members are retired DBCAA presidents, directors, and well-known Chinese-American supporters.

2. Computer Group: The goal of this group is to develop useful computer related classes for both adults and children. Computer has become the most important tool in the 21st century and it is important for the DB Chinese American to get into the trend. These classes will be offered through DBCS’s system.

3. Other Subsidiary Organizations with DBCA: Public Relation, Advertisement, and Treasurer.


鑽石吧華人協會是一個非營利的服務性組織 , 在華人聚集的城市中亦頗具規模及聲望 , 種種機構及組織之社利多為能符合社區的需求 , 種種收益及盈餘都是為了輔助各機構之成長及自給自足 ◦ 目前 , 華協也訂立了一個長遠目標 , 希望在不久的將來 , 能擁有屬於華協的永久會址 , 不必再受租借困難及遷移之苦 ◦ 我們本著良好的經營管理的法則 , 分配統籌各個機構下的所有運作 , 發揮聚沙成塔的力量 , 許一個圓夢的未來 ◦ 華協成立了募款帳戶來管理社區內外各為熱心人士的慷慨解囊 , 各位的捐款接可以在報稅時獲得減稅 ◦ 鑽石吧華協已在社區內建立一席之地 , 現在希望將這一席之地更落實圍完全屬於我們鑽石吧華人的天地 ◦

DBCAA Future Plan and Expectation

For the past twenty-one years, DBCAA and its subsidiaries have gradually established their reputation and recognized by its neighboring cities and the mainstream American. As a non-profit organization, all the proceeds raised by DBCAA have been used to support its organizations’ needs and to support its activities to serve the community. To better improve this capability, DBCAA has established a long term goal to own a permanent home at the DB city so it won’t be suffered by excessive rent and moving problem. Through DBCAA and its subsidiary organizations’ effort, DBCAA has gradually built up a DBCAA home purchase fund. Since DBCAA has been established as a 501-C3 non-profit organization, all donations to DBCAA can be tax deductible. With your monetary support or volunteer, DBCAA’s dream to own a permanent home in the DB city could be achieved in the near future.

Contact DBCAA for More Information

Diamond Bar Chinese-American Association 1142 S. Diamond Bar Blvd. #110, Diamond Bar, CA 91765 Tel :Tel: (909) 286-6001 Web Site : www.dbcaa.org E-mail dbcsusa@gmail.com

©2023 鑽石吧華人聯誼協會
1142 S. Diamond Bar Blvd. #110, Diamond Bar, CA 91765